The Offcanvas component allows you to create a sliding panel that appears from the side of the screen, commonly used for navigation menus or sidebars. This component is fully customizable, supporting backdrop visibility, body scroll control, and various lifecycle hooks for more control over its behavior.
To use the Offcanvas component, you can install it via npm:
npm i @flexilla/offcanvas
yarn add @flexilla/offcanvas
HTML Markup
Markup Structure
: Element that trigger the Offcanvas, with data-offcanvas-trigger
and data-target
attributes, the value of data-target
must be the targeted offcanvas.
: The modal element, must have a id
: any element inside the offcanvas-element
with data-offcanvas-close
Here is a basic example of how to structure your offcanvas/SliderOver and trigger elements in HTML:
<!-- Trigger Button -->
< button data-offcanvas-target = "myOffcanvas" aria-haspopup = "dialog" >Open Offcanvas</ button >
<!-- Offcanvas Panel -->
< div id = "myOffcanvas" role = "dialog" aria-hidden = "true" class = "offcanvas" >
< button class = "offcanvas-close-btn" aria-label = "Close Offcanvas" >X</ button >
< p >This is the offcanvas content!</ p >
</ div >
< div id = "myOffcanvas" role = "dialog" aria-hidden = "true" class = "offcanvas" data-offcanvas-backdrop = "your backdrop classes" ></ div >
< button data-offcanvas-trigger data-target = "slide-over-from-left"
aria-controls = "slide-over-from-left" class = "bg-neutral8 text-white px4 py2 rd-lg text-sm" >
Open from left
</ button >
< div data-fx-offcanvas data-slideover-from-left
id = "slide-over-from-left" aria-labelledby = "slide-over-from-left"
class = "fixed h100dvh wfull max-wsm -left-full top-0 fx-open-left-0 z90 ease-linear duration-200 p4 bg-zinc1 dark-bg-zinc9 flex" >
< div class = "size-full b b-dashed b-zinc2 dark-b-zinc8" >
< button data-offcanvas-close class = "p4" >
Close it
</ button >
</ div >
</ div >
< button data-offcanvas-trigger data-target = "slide-over-from-left"
aria-controls = "slide-over-from-left" class = "bg-neutral-800 text-white px-4 py-2 rounded-lg text-sm" >
Open from left
</ button >
< div data-fx-offcanvas data-slideover-from-left
id = "slide-over-from-left" aria-labelledby = "slide-over-from-left"
class = "fixed h-[100dvh] w-full max-w-sm -left-full top-0 fx-open-left-0 z-[90] ease-linear duration-200 p-4 bg-zinc-100 dark:bg-zinc-900 flex" >
< div class = "size-full border border-dashed border-zinc-200 dark:border-zinc-800" >
< button data-offcanvas-close class = "p-4" >
Close it
</ button >
</ div >
</ div >
Offcanvas Options
The Offcanvas component can be customized using the OffcanvasOptions
object, which provides control over backdrop visibility, body scroll behavior, and event hooks.
Prevents the offcanvas from being closed by clicking the backdrop. Useful for alert or confirmation-type offcanvas components.
Type : boolean
Default : false
Allows the body to scroll while the offcanvas is open. Set this to false
to lock body scrolling.
Type : boolean
Default : false
Setting the backdrop classes
Overlay with blur
< button data-offcanvas-trigger data-target = "slide-over-overlay" aria-controls = "slide-over-overlay" class = "bg-neutral8 text-white px4 py2 rd-lg text-sm" >
</ button >
< div data-offcanvas-withbackdrop id = "slide-over-overlay" aria-labelledby = "slide-over-overlay" class = "fixed h100dvh wfull max-wsm -right-full top-0 fx-open-right-0 ease-linear duration-200 p4 bg-zinc1 dark-bg-zinc9 flex z90" >
< div class = "size-full b b-dashed b-zinc2 dark-b-zinc8" ></ div >
</ div >
< button data-offcanvas-trigger data-target = "slide-over-overlay1" aria-controls = "slide-over-overlay1" class = "bg-neutral8 text-white px4 py2 rd-lg text-sm" >
Overlay with blur
</ button >
< div data-offcanvas-backdrop-blur id = "slide-over-overlay1" aria-labelledby = "slide-over-overlay1" class = "fixed h100dvh wfull max-wsm -right-full top-0 fx-open-right-0 ease-linear duration-200 p4 bg-zinc1 dark-bg-zinc9 flex z90" >
< div class = "size-full b b-dashed b-zinc2 dark-b-zinc8" > </ div >
</ div >
< button data-offcanvas-trigger data-target = "slide-over-overlay" aria-controls = "slide-over-overlay" class = "bg-zinc-800 text-white px-4 py-2 rounded-lg text-sm" >
</ button >
< div data-offcanvas-withbackdrop id = "slide-over-overlay" aria-labelledby = "slide-over-overlay" class = "fixed h-[100dvh] w-full max-w-sm -right-full top-0 fx-open:right-0 ease-linear duration-200 p-4 bg-zinc-100 dark:bg-zinc-900 flex z-90" >
< div class = "size-full b b-dashed b-zinc2 dark:b-zinc8" ></ div >
</ div >
< button data-offcanvas-trigger data-target = "slide-over-overlay1" aria-controls = "slide-over-overlay1" class = "bg-zinc8 text-white px-4 py-2 rounded-lg text-sm" >Overlay with blur</ button >
< div data-offcanvas-backdrop-blur id = "slide-over-overlay1" aria-labelledby = "slide-over-overlay1" class = "fixed h-[100dvh] w-full max-w-sm -right-full top-0 fx-open:right-0 ease-linear duration-200 p-4 bg-zinc-100 dark:bg-zinc-900 flex z-90" >
< div class = "size-full border border-dashed border-zinc2 dark:border-zinc-800" > </ div >
</ div >
OffCanvas .init ( "#slide-over-overlay1" , {
backdrop : "ui-overlay bg-gray8/50 flex z80"
OffCanvas .init ( "#slide-over-overlay2" , {
backdrop : "ui-overlay bg-zinc8/20 backdrop-filter backdrop-blur-md flex z80"
A function that executes right before the offcanvas is hidden. Returning { cancelAction: true }
will prevent the offcanvas from closing.
Type : () => { cancelAction?: boolean; } | void
A function that executes before the offcanvas is shown.
A callback function that triggers when the offcanvas is shown.
A callback function that triggers when the offcanvas is hidden.
Initialization Example
Here’s an example of initializing an offcanvas with custom options:
import { Offcanvas } from '@flexilla/offcanvas' ;
const offcanvas = new Offcanvas ( '#myOffcanvas' , {
staticBackdrop : true ,
allowBodyScroll : false ,
backdrop : 'custom-backdrop-class' ,
beforeHide () {
console .log ( 'Before offcanvas hides' );
return { cancelAction : false }; // You can cancel hide by setting cancelAction to true
} ,
beforeShow () {
console .log ( 'Before offcanvas shows' );
} ,
onShow () {
console .log ( 'Offcanvas is shown' );
} ,
onHide () {
console .log ( 'Offcanvas is hidden' );
Programmatically opens the offcanvas.
Programmatically closes the offcanvas.