1. Docs
  2. VueJS guide

Vue Guide

This guide will show How to install Flexilla In your VueJS Project

This guide will help you to use Flexilla in your new or existing VueJS Project

Install via npm

  1. Create a new Project

    Create a new project if not having one.
    icon shell Shell
    npm create vue@latest vue-example
    cd vue-example
  2. Install flexilla

  3. Usage

    icon vue .../AccordionEx.vue
    <script setup lang="ts">
    import { onMounted } from 'vue'
    import { Accordion } from "@flexilla/flexilla"
    onMounted(() => { 
        new Accordion("[data-fx-accordion]") 

Quick Start Examples

Checkout these quick start examples to get a feel of Flexilla + VueJS here